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Complex solutions for the food industry

About us

"Foodreform" is a modern and high-tech company based on the research and production complex "Spices House", which has been successfully operating on the Ukrainian market for 18 years.

Our team is united by a common goal - to provide the best innovative solutions in the field of production. We have proven ourselves as a reliable partner for various branches of the food industry, we have grown and developed new directions.

Ми виготовляємо: спеції та суміші спецій, екстракти, маринади, соуси, дресінги, наповнювачі,  функціональні препарати, поліпшувачі, ферменти для різних напрямків харчової промисловості та готові запропонувати вам комплексні рішення для вашої галузі,  а також запропонувати розробку індивідуального продукту (private label).

One of the leading conditions for the successful operation of the enterprise is effective  partnership relations, which are based on mutually beneficial, constructive inter-company relations. Therefore, we are always open to cooperation. And our work values ​​make cooperation long-lasting and productive.

1 years
quality standard
ISO 10000
production areas
2000 м2

Our values







Customer orientation

Our solutions


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